15Ott13 Novembre 2024 Test di inglese Scopri il tuo livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese Il test è composto da 55 domande a scelta multipla (una sola corretta) che permetteranno di valutare la tua conoscenza della grammatica e del vocabolario. Una volta inserite le informazioni nei campi qui sotto avrai a disposizione 22 minuti per rispondere alle domande. Dopo aver terminato il test riceverai una email di conferma, dopodiché verrai contattato dalla nostra reception per organizzare il colloquio orale con l’insegnante (in una delle nostre sedi oppure al telefono). Ti ricordiamo infatti che per valutare in modo corretto il tuo livello di inglese sono necessari sia il test scritto che la parte orale. ----------------------------------------------------------------- English test Find out your English level The test is made up of 55 multiple choice questions (only one correct) which will allow you to evaluate your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Once you have entered the data in the form below you will have 22 minutes to answer the questions. After finishing the test you will receive a confirmation email, after which you will be contacted by our reception to organize the interview with the teacher (in one of our schools or by phone). We remind you that to correctly evaluate your level of English, both the written test and the oral part are necessary. *Nome e Cognome | Name and Surname Email Telefono | Phone Sei maggiorenne? | Are you an adult? Si No Il tuo corso sarà finanziato da un'azienda? | Will your course be funded by a company? No Sì (indica il nome dell'azienda nel campo successivo) | Yes (please indicate your company name in the next field) Nome azienda (solo per i corsi aziendali) | Company name (for company courses only) Quale corso ti interessa: | Which course you are interested in: Choose Quale corso ti interessa: | Which course you are interested in: Corso individuale adulti | Individual course for adults Corso di gruppo adulti | Group course for adults Preparazione esami (Cambridge/IELTS) | Exam preparation (Cambridge/IELTS) Corso per ragazzi | Course for kids Corso free con insegnanti in tirocinio | Free course with trainee teachers *Acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali per la fornitura del servizio richiesto e per le eventuali pratiche amministrative (fatture e ricevute) | *I consent to the processing of personal data for the provision of the requested service and for any administrative procedures (invoices and receipts) Acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali per ricevere informazioni su corsi e iniziative della scuola | I consent to the processing of personal data to receive information on school courses and initiatives 1) Where ____ from? you are you are you are I'm not sure None 2) I ____ to the cinema every Friday. go goes am going going I'm not sure None 3) My husband usually ____ home at about 6. arrive arriving is arriving arrives I'm not sure None 4) Where ____ ? you live live you are you live do you live I'm not sure None 5) Take an umbrella - ____ ! it rains I'm raining it's raining it's rain I'm not sure None 6) Paola can ____ three languages. speak to speak speaking speaks I'm not sure None 7) I ____ John when I was at the bank. see saw have seen was seeing I'm not sure None 8) ____ like coffee now or later? Do you Would you You Are you I'm not sure None 9) How ____ people went to the conference? some many plenty much I'm not sure None 10) This model is ____ that one. cheap as cheapest than cheaper than cheaper as I'm not sure None 11) I ____ in Milan since 1985. live am living lived have lived I'm not sure None 12) What did you ____ ? say said told tell I'm not sure None 13) When I saw him he ____ a letter. wrote has written writing was writing I'm not sure None 14) Don't phone me tomorrow - ____ to Rome for three days. I go I`m going I`ll go I went I'm not sure None 15) It's a bit cold. Do you think I ____ take a pullover? should must have to will I'm not sure None 16) If you ____ John this evening, could you give him a message? see will see have seen wuold see I'm not sure None 17) A: The phone is ringing.B: Ok, ____ answer it. I I`m I`ll I want I'm not sure None 18) 2,000 BMW cars ____ every week in this country. have produced produce are produced are producing I'm not sure None 19) ____ go skiing this weekend? Why aren`t we Why don`t we Why do we How about I'm not sure None 20) When I was a child I ____ leave all my toys on the floor. was used to used to got used to am used to I'm not sure None 21) She ____ me to shut up! said told that says told I'm not sure None 22) I don't like him at all, he's ____ stupid man. so such a such absolutely I'm not sure None 23) No, we didn't meet her. She ____ when we arrived. had left has left have left had been leaving I'm not sure None 24) Would you mind ____ where to find the nearest bank? telling to me tell to tell telling me I'm not sure None 25) What's your boss like? He`s OK He likes football He doesn't like cooking Computers I'm not sure None 26) If I ____ David's number, I'd phone him. have will have had wuold have I'm not sure None 27) You ____ John in town, he was at my house all day. can`t see couldn`t see hadn`t seen can`t have seen I'm not sure None 28) Excuse me, could you tell me ____ ? what time it is what is the right time what is the time what time is it I'm not sure None 29) Since 1962, Len Deighton ____ 25 books. has been writing has written wrote had written I'm not sure None 30) It was very hot in London, so I ____ have taken my coat. mustn`t wouldn`t won`t needn`t I'm not sure None 31) When I met him he ____ there for ten years. was working had been working has worked has been working I'm not sure None 32) By the year 2050, the world population ____ increased dramatically. will will have is has I'm not sure None 33) This dress doesn't suit me. I wish I ____ it. didn`t buy hadn`t bought haven`t bought be able to I'm not sure None 34) Let's eat. I'm absolutely ____ . starving hungry angry hunger I'm not sure None 35) I'll never ____ driving on the left. used to accustom get used to be able to I'm not sure None 36) The boy was drowning but his father jumped in the lake and ____ rescue him. managed was able to could succeeded in I'm not sure None 37) When Abraham Lincoln was a boy, no-one thought that one day he ____ become President. will was would did I'm not sure None 38) ____ there are no unforeseen delays, I’ll see you at about eight o’clock. Except In case Supposed Presuming I'm not sure None 39) It was supposed to be a comedy but ____ anyone laughed. nearly almost hardly entirely I'm not sure None 40) ____ their dog looks dangerous, it’s quite affectionate. Despite Yet Nevertheless Even though I'm not sure None 41) ____ he not slept so late, he wouldn’t have missed the bus. Did Would If Had I'm not sure None 42) Never in all my life ____ a film as bad as that! I haven`t seen haven`t I seen I have seen have I seen I'm not sure None 43) Here's my address. If you're ever in my area, look me ____ . out up round on I'm not sure None 44) ____ of these two options is very good. Both Neither All None I'm not sure None 45) Every Christmas of my childhood was the same. My father ____ late for lunch, weighed down with presents for the family. would arrive had arrived was arriving was used to arriving I'm not sure None 46) Once she’s ____ a few tears she’ll resign herself to the situation. shed split sobbed released I'm not sure None 47) I tried to explain why I had been delayed but he ____ my excuse as pathetic. ignored disregarded dismissed refused I'm not sure None 48) Oh it’s you! You really ____ me, jumping out of the shadows like that. struck amazed startled impressed I'm not sure None 49) There is ____ to be a serious energy crisis in the next century. reputed know bound foreseen I'm not sure None 50) I’m sorry we gave you such short ____ of our visit. caution notice information preparation I'm not sure None 51) It wasn't a bad crash and ____ damage was done to the car. little small light mere I'm not sure None 52) I'd rather you ____ to her why we can't go. would explain explained to explain will explain I'm not sure None 53) Before making a decision, the leader considered all ____ of the argument. sides features perspectives shades I'm not sure None 54) When I realised I had dropped my gloves, I decided to ____ my steps. retrace regress resume return I'm not sure None 55) Anne's house is somewhere in the ____ of the railway station. region quarter vicinity district I'm not sure None Complimenti, hai terminato il tuo test di inglese. 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